Mitsubishi Cedia Great Driving Challenge - Surprise
While many of you are aware and supported me for the TGDC by your votes and testimonials, we were lost at the 2nd round and couldn't make it to the top12.
To be honest I was really not sure what is the selection criteria, but I really appreciate the organizers of the even for a successful handling of the TGDC.
After I came to know that our names were not included in the TGDC top12 list, disappointment was too high on my mind and after few days I really accepted the reality that only 3 people can drive in the challenge. Me and My wify was talking about this for 2 days after seeing top12, the slowly got into our business.Today when I came back from office, kids showed me 2 parcels and I didn't know what was inside parcel as there was no information about the orgination. I slowly opended the parcel and found a beautify ladies watch, and the second parcel contained a smart Timex gents watch.
Both the watch boxes had TGDC logo and hurray now we are bit happy. Thanks to TGDC.
no worries, you'll make it next time.
nice one...
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