Roaring Roadking
Finally the Yezdi Roadking CDI model bike has got its original beat. The bike has been transferred to Chennai from Tiruvannmalai after failing to get a lathe in my hometown to machine down the bike's cylinder. In spite of my efforts in finding all the required parts I couldnt rebore it in my hometown.This resulted me to ask my mechanic to drive down the bike to my home in chennai and do all the work in here. Oh yeah complete 2 days of work in chennai let the bike to be pucca.
As usual our last minute was in the dark and the mechanic stayed at my house to complete the required work.
Here is the completed bike's picture. The bike got few cosmtics such as seat plate, form, foot rests and lighting set right. The major parts was worked out on the engine.
hello sir;
is the bike for sale?
how much price do you quote for the bike?
my email id is
Does it come with a DIY kit? :)
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